How to get a NIE in Malaga?


Getting a NIE in Malaga quite simple by Spanish standards, which means it’s not an endless bureaucracy red-tape maze, but it can be done fast and easy if you know how. That is why we gave your this step-by-step guide to show you how to get your NIE in Malaga. First, you need to download and print the EX-15 form. Filling it is easy if you know what you are doing, so here is a cheat sheet for you:


There is only one field that needs some explanation, in the 4.2 section you have to explain your motives, why do you need a NIE. Based on our experience, it doesn’t matter what is the real reason, the best if you put: “Abrir una cuenta bancaria” which means, that you want to open a bank account.

Fill the one that fits your case, or just write anything you want in Spanish. If you don’t speak Spanish, use a translator software. All other fields that I’ve left empty in the sample, you can leave empty as well.

I suggest printing an extra copy of this form and leave it blank, just in case something is not right, you will be able to correct it on the spot using the blank a copy. Also, after filling the form, make a copy and bring it with yourself. So you should have two filled and a blank copy at the end. After you have this form filled, you have to pay a little contribution to make the bureaucracy work. To do that, you need to visit police website to fill an online form. This a simple form where you need to fill your personal data and address:


The only challenge is to select the right option in the middle of the form. There are several options, but to pay for the nie, you need to select this:

.Asignación de Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE) a instancia del interesado..

On the bottom of the form, filling the rest is quite easy:


Enter the name of the city, the date is already filled, select the “En efectivo” option and enter the security code at the last field. After filling the form completely, press the blue button and you will receive a printable PDF document with many pages. Print all the pages and go to any bank in the city to pay the fee of your brand new NIE.

In the bank they will stamp your documents proving that you paid the fee and now you are ready to go and get your NIE. But not that fast, don’t run to the police station right now, because they won’t let you in. You have to book an appointment first and when the time comes go to the police station with:

  • Your passport or EU ID
  • A photocopy of your passport or EU ID
  • The filled EX-15 form
  • A copy of the filled EX-15 form
  • An empty copy of the EX-15 form, just in case…
  • The stamped documents from the bank proving the payment
  • The booking number of your appointment.
  • Your phone with Google translate or something on it (you never know!) 😀

How to make an appointment to get a NIE in Malaga?

  1. Visit the police website, select Malaga from the province list, and click the Aceptar button.
  2. Select: “POLICIA-CERTIFICADOS Y ASIGNACION NIE” and click the Aceptar button.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Entrar button.
  4. Select PASAPORTE and enter your passport or EU ID number.
  5. Enter your First and lastname, click the captcha “No soy robot” and click the Aceptar button.
  6. Xlick the Solicitar Cita button.
  7. Select the “CNP Provincial, Plaza de Manuel Azaña (3)” option and click the Siguiente button.
  8. Enter your phone number, and email address, then click the Siguiente button.
  9. Select one of the appointment date/times and click the Siguiente button.
  10. Select OK in the popup window.
  11. Put a checkmark into each of the two fields and click the CONFIRMAR button.

Now you receive the confirmation of the booked appointment. The most important is the booking number: “Nº de Justificante de cita:” write it down or print this page by clicking the Imprimir button on the bottom of the page.

Now you really have everything, you have the booked appointment, you have nothing else left to do, just to go to the police station to Plaza de Manuel Azaña, 3, 29006 Málaga at the correct date/time:

At the entrance if you show the gatekeeper your printed booking confirmation , they will guide you to the correct direction.

In the building of the police station first you have to go the reception. They will confirm that you have a valid appointment, they will check if all necessary documents are present. Then they will send you to the office on your left, where you will receive your NIE. In the office, when you present all the documents, the will see why are you there. The EX-15 document indicates that you need a NIE, you paid the correct fee in the bank, so they don’t have to ask anything why are you there, the papers will tell them everything. Even if you don’t speak Spanish, that should not be a problem, you will get your NIE on the spot if they are in their good mood, otherwise it might take a few days, so you will have to go back to fetch it.

After getting your NIE – however it’s not a requirement – you might need a Spanish bank account as well. Check out our article in Surviving Malaga, how to get your free Spanish bank account in Malaga or if you want to stay longer than 3 months in Spain, then how to get a Spanish residency as an EU citizen.


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